
Showing posts from January, 2021

Air pollution caused in jharkhand.

Six of India’s 10 most polluted cities are in Uttar Pradesh, according to Greenpeace India’s fourth Airpocalypse report released on Tuesday. Noida, Ghaziabad, Bareilly, Allahabad, Moradabad and Firozabad in Uttar Pradesh figure in list of 10 most polluted cities topped by Jharia in Jharkhand and closely followed by Dhanbad in the same state. According to the report based on analysis of particulate matter (PM) data of 287 cities, Delhi was 10th most polluted city in 2018, an improvement by two notches as compared to 2017. Greenpeace has used Central Pollution Control Board data to rank the most polluted cities in India. Lunglei in Mizoram is the least polluted followed by Meghalaya’s Dawki. Lunglei is also the only Indian city with PM levels under the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) prescribed level of 20/ug/m3 (micrograms per cubic meter), the report said. Jharia and Dhanbad are twin cities in the coal mining belt of Jharkhand. PM-10 level was recorded at 322 ug/m3 (micro...

How bad are the levels of Ghaziabad in india

How bad are the levels of pollution in Ghaziabad? Ghaziabad is a city in India located in the state of Uttar Pradesh, as well as being part of the national capital region of Delhi. It has a colloquial name of being the gateway to Uttar Pradesh, due to its location and close proximity to Delhi. As one would gather from being a gateway city, it would see high levels of traffic that would affect levels of air quality, with high volumes of cars, trucks, motorbikes and buses all making their way in and out of the city, putting out large volumes of smoke and haze, as well as PM10 and PM2.5, fine particulate matter of 10 (or 2.5) micrometers or less in diameter, with PM2.5 being roughly 3% the size of a human hair. Due to its incredibly small size and variety of materials it is comprised off, it presents a number of dangers to human health, and as such it is one of the main figures used when calculating levels of pollution in the air. To observe the numbers recorded over 2019, the...

Air pollution caused in whole India

AIR POLLUTION IN INDIA.  Air pollution in India is a serious health issue.[1] Of the 30 most polluted cities in the world, 21 were in India in 2019.[2][3] As per a study based on 2016 data, at least 140 million people in India breathe air that is 10 times or more over the WHO safe limit[4] and 13 of the world's 20 cities with the highest annual levels of air pollution are in India.[5] The 51% of pollution is caused by the industrial pollution, 27 % by vehicles, 17% by crop burning and 5% by fireworks.[6] Air pollution contributes to the premature deaths of 2 million Indians every year. Emissions come from vehicles and industry, whereas in rural areas, much of the pollution stems from biomass burning for cooking and keeping warm. In autumn and winter months, large scale crop residue burning in agriculture fields – a cheaper alternative to mechanical tilling – is a major source of smoke, smog and particulate pollution.[7][8][9] India has a low per capita emissions of gree...

Air pollution caused by vechile

What Is the Difference Between Human & Natural Air Pollution? The major difference between natural and man-made air pollution is that continuous or temporary natural events cause natural air pollution, but human activities are responsible for man-made pollution. We can't prevent natural air pollution from sources like volcanoes, but we can reduce man-made pollutants and their consequences: respiratory diseases, acid rain and global warming. In the Air Air pollutants are gases and particles that harm people or other life, damage materials or reduce visibility. Some air pollution comes from volcanic eruptions, forest fires and hot springs, but most is the result to human activities. Power plants, factories, cars and trucks emit carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxides and particulate matter that consists of fine particles suspended in the air. Burning oil, coal, gasoline and other fossil fuels is a major cause of man-made air po...

Air pollution caused in Mumbai

CITY-MUMBAI (MAHARASHTRA, INDIA)                                                      Mumbai, Bombay, Maximum City, with a population of 12.5 million is the most populated city in India. It has always been a city of huge economic significance in India because of its location on the Konkan coast and its deep natural harbour. It is the capital of the state of Maharashtra and is the de-facto commercial and financial capital of India.  Mumbai plays a central role in India’s economy and accounts for 25% of industrial output, 70% of maritime trade, and 70% of capital transactions of the country. The Reserve Bank of India, the Bombay and National Stock Exchanges, and the Securities and Exchange Bureau of India operate out of the city. It is a magnet that draws citizens from all parts of India in search of livelihood and the idea of making it wo...

Air pollution caused in Delhi

 The air quality in Delhi, the capital territory of India, according to a WHO survey of 1,650 world cities, is the worst of any major city in the world. It also affects the districts around Delhi.[2][3] Air pollution in India is estimated to kill about 2 million people every year; it is the fifth largest killer in India. India has the world's highest death rate from chronic respiratory diseases and asthma, according to the WHO. In Delhi, poor quality air irreversibly damages the lungs of 2.2 million or 50 percent of all children. A dense toxic smog in New Delhi blocks out the sun. Photo November 8, 2017.[1] MISR Measurement, Nov. 5, 2016: The optical depth of the thick haze was too much for calculation, "because the haze is so thick that the algorithm has classified the area as cloud." (less than 37 percent of sunlight, AQI=751). On 25 November 2019, the Supreme Court of India made statements on the pollution in Delhi saying "Delhi has become worse than n...

Air pollution caused in whole world

   AIR POLLUTION Air pollution is mixture of solid particals and gases in the air . Car emissions, chemicals from factories, dust, pollen and mold spores may be suspended as particles. Ozone, a gas, is a major part of  air pollution  in cities. When ozone forms  air pollution , it's also called smog.  Some  airpollutants  arepoisonous.Inhaling them can increase the chance you'll have health problems. People with heart or lung disease, older adults and children are at greater risk from air pollution. Air pollution isn't just outside - the  air inside  buildings can also be polluted and affect your health. Air pollution refers to the release of pollutants into the air that are detrimental to human health and the planet as a whole. The Clean Air Act authorizes the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to protect public health by regulating the emissions of these harmful air pollutants. The NRDC has been a leading ...