Air pollution caused in jharkhand.

Six of India’s 10 most polluted cities are in Uttar Pradesh, according to Greenpeace India’s fourth Airpocalypse report released on Tuesday. Noida, Ghaziabad, Bareilly, Allahabad, Moradabad and Firozabad in Uttar Pradesh figure in list of 10 most polluted cities topped by Jharia in Jharkhand and closely followed by Dhanbad in the same state. According to the report based on analysis of particulate matter (PM) data of 287 cities, Delhi was 10th most polluted city in 2018, an improvement by two notches as compared to 2017. Greenpeace has used Central Pollution Control Board data to rank the most polluted cities in India. Lunglei in Mizoram is the least polluted followed by Meghalaya’s Dawki. Lunglei is also the only Indian city with PM levels under the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) prescribed level of 20/ug/m3 (micrograms per cubic meter), the report said. Jharia and Dhanbad are twin cities in the coal mining belt of Jharkhand. PM-10 level was recorded at 322 ug/m3 (micro...